Do Air Filters Have Fiberglass in Them? - A Comprehensive Guide

Air filters come in a variety of materials, such as fiberglass, polyester, and cotton. While fiberglass filters are generally safe, they are not as effective as pleated filters when it comes to filtering out smaller pollutants like pollen, pet dander, and bacteria. Over time, these filters can cause accumulations that weaken the air conditioning system and reduce its efficiency, leading to higher energy costs. Fiberglass air filters are cost-effective and better at trapping large particles.

They are made with a cardboard frame that houses spun glass and woven patterns that don't restrict airflow. These filters usually have a MERV rating of 2 or 3, which means they are good at filtering out large pollutants. When it comes to air filtration for your home, you have several options available. Depending on your climate system, you may not need sophisticated air filters to supplement filtration.

Even if you don't install pleated air filters in the HVAC unit, the air quality in your home affects the performance of your HVAC. Carbon dioxide (CO) and carbon monoxide (CO) can also contaminate the indoor environment if your home's air filters can't trap microscopic pollutants. While fiberglass air filters may seem like a good idea for your budget, they may not always be the best option for your home, your air conditioning system, or your family's health. Pleated air filters have been proven to trap more debris than fiberglass filters.

It is also beneficial to install several supplementary filters, such as fiberglass and pleated filters, in the ventilation grilles. To ensure your filter keeps harmful substances out, it is important to follow a replacement program every three months for a pleated air filter (and about twice as often for fiberglass filters). If you're ready to find the right air filter for your oven or air conditioner unit, you can search by filter size or by MERV rating. Filter King can help you get the right air filter if you're looking for higher air quality, long-term savings, and the convenience of changing your filter less often. In addition to using the right air filter, there are other steps you can take to improve the quality of the air in your home. Keeping ventilation systems open when you cook, opening doors and windows intermittently to let out old air, and cleaning the air filter regularly are all great ways to ensure that your family is breathing clean air.