How to Keep Your 16x20x1 Air Filter in Top Shape

When it comes to keeping a well-maintained central air system in their home, most homeowners know that they need to change their air conditioning filters regularly. Fiberglass air filters are the more affordable of the two, but they are less efficient at capturing dust and particles from the air. They usually need to be changed every 30 days or less. The HVAC air filter helps keep indoor air clean by trapping mold, pollen, and other contaminants that move through the system.

Your MERV air filter, or minimum efficiency reporting value, helps you determine its effectiveness in protecting your home from particulates. Children are more sensitive than adults to indoor air pollutants, such as dust mites, dandruff and pollen, so it's important to use quality air filters and change them before they get too clogged and dirty. Generally, an air filter with a higher MERV rating is more effective and has a wider application, but most residential households will find the best use of an air filter with a MERV rating of 5 to 13. The clean air filters in an oven help keep the house clean and block particles or bacteria that can damage the lungs. To ensure that only clean air comes out of the air conditioning system, replace the air filter before it clogs so you can breathe better.

If you have young children at home, it's a good idea to use high-quality pleated air filters and change them every two months. The only way to know how often your air filter should be changed is to visually inspect the filter every month. If you live alone, don't have pets, and the outdoor air around you is of good quality, the manufacturer's recommendations for changing the filter will probably work well for you. These air filters 16x20x1, which show durability and overall effectiveness, have a simple flow, energy efficiency and a sturdy structure.

When you decide to buy air filters, it's helpful to talk to a reliable, top-of-the-line supplier like Filter King. If you have allergies, you can reduce symptoms by using a high-quality air filter and adopting a more frequent replacement program. Let's say you just moved to a new house 3 months ago and it's time to change your air filters. If you live in a big city, pollutants such as smoke, dust, and other debris will seep inside and clog the air filter at a much faster rate.

A clean air filter will also reduce your energy bill, as it will reduce the electrical load on your system. Pleated air filters are more expensive at first, but they're also more efficient at trapping particles and can last up to 90 days depending on use. To keep your 16x20x1 air filter in top shape and ensure that only clean air comes out of your HVAC system, it's important to inspect it regularly and replace it when necessary. If you live in an area with high levels of pollution or have pets or young children at home, consider changing your filter every two months or so.

High-quality pleated filters are more expensive but they are also more efficient at trapping particles and can last up to 90 days depending on use.